You Can’t Afford Me… We all know that person that always wants to penny pinch. There’s nothing wrong with saving a couple of bucks. But at the end of the day it’s only a couple Fucking dollars. You’re not saving a whole lot, you just...
Your Watch will say A lot about your Age. Being in the watch game for over decade now, I have observed different styles of watches. But still to this day I’ve always found Rolex watches classic and never changing. I guess if it’s not broke don’t...
Your Watch Tells a Story so Wear it with Caution Everything I’m going to say here is my opinion. I know some of you idiots are going to get offended and I honestly don’t give a fuck. Two things, either you’re going to be a little bitch about it and...
Are you Asking the Right Questions to Close?A lot of times we think we can close deals because we give the client a lot of information. This goes back to my previous blog Talking is not Selling. You can talk all day to a client but if you’re not...
Stay on Your Ass the View is Better from There One thing I fucking hate in this life is Fucking Lazy People. Don’t get me wrong they’re times when I’m lazy and I want to sleep in because I had a long difficult work week. But even when I sleep in I...