Tesla Model S Road Trip: San Diego to Las Vegas

Tesla Model S Road Trip: San Diego to Las Vegas

Tesla Model S Road Trip: San Diego, CA to Las Vegas, NV   I recently took a long road trip to Las Vegas in my Tesla Model S.  After having my Tesla for almost a year, I wanted to experience a real road trip in it.  My wife and I were thinking about a place to...

3 Tech Toys You Should Have

We use technology everyday even if you don’t think you need it.  Recently I created a YouTube channel, and as YouTubers create new content they also are starting creating amazing video.  One of the tools that I use to record some of my videos is my...
Sell Me This Pen

Sell Me This Pen

We’ve all heard or seen when a potential employer is asking you to sell them a pen they just handed to you, in hopes that you know how to sell it to them to prove your sales skills. It stops feeling like and job interview and now more like a audition....
About my Cars

About my Cars

The Story about my Cars… Cars, Cars, Cars…. We need these machines to get to places of desire.  Through out my whole life I was never intrigue with cars.  When in High School I didn’t care what I drove as long as it was mine.  Like any teenager you...
Fine Dining Clothing Mistakes

Fine Dining Clothing Mistakes

Like the next person, I love to eat and one on my rewards is to get all, Suited and Booted when I go out to a fine restaurant. Every time, I always make sure before I select a fine restaurant I find out what there dress code is.  Alway, I choose a restaurant because...