I remember test driving a Tesla Model X about 2 years ago. My experience wasn’t pleasant. Not pleasant like the drive or the car sucked, but more like If I bought a Model X, it would add 10 years to my life. I felt older in that vehicle and I didn’t want...
A Negative + A Negative = A Dumb AssSorry that my math sucks, but you know what I’m talking about. One thing I can’t stand in life is negative people. They’re the type of people that as soon as you see them, they just drain the living soul from...
If you go cheap you will complain moreI’m tired of listening to all these people complaining about things they buy. Every one is so quick to say I can find it cheaper some where else. “Well shut the fuck up and find it, then. Why are wasting my...
You’ve been Sold, you just don’t know itNo this is not a Star Wars blog, but I do love the franchise. I was always fascinated on how people say Yes to things when they’re buying. But in order for us as sales people to get a Yes, you need to get...
You want my Job? Take it you, won’t last 10 minutes.Everyone is so quick to want to be a CEO. They want to be the BOSS. The only problem is people don’t want to work to get there. Miraculously some corporate fairy will come down and bless you and say,...